The whole point of going to Malawi was to visit our sponsor child Innocent George. From the picture we received from World Vision, we expected him to be a tall big kid, but he was the opposite. He was one of the smallest of his class.We picked him up from his school in the middle of class. After we introduced ourselves the teacher made the whole class sing a welcome song for us. We then had to identify him but sadly, as we already told you, we were misled by the pictures and weren't able to find him. He had to stand up and say that he was Innocent. The whole village was buzzing with excitement. Our money goes to the whole community not only the family. We drove of to see the pig farm that they had started with our money. When we got out of the truck that was bringing us from spot to spot we were hit by a wave of sound! Half the village was singing. Innocent's parents ushered us into their house and we talked with the family. We gave the family gifts and we were thanked so much you would have thought we had given them a fortune. The village had set up a small drumming band and a circle of chairs. The drummers were for the traditional dancers that danced to the drums. The World Vision people told us we had to go after the dance so we left with some members of the family crying. (from both families)
This is the local reggae band at the Youth Center. |
Marek with two of Innocent's siblings. |
The whole village came out to thank us for giving them money and they even did a performance and the local reggae band came out to play for us again. |
This was one of the traditional dances that the village does. |
This was us with all their family. |
We took a picture with Innocent and he insisted on holding our hands. |
As you can see, it looks nothing like our schools in Canada. The two adults in the front are teachers from this school. |
All the children from the school crowded around us while we walked through the school grounds. They split before us if we walked in there direction. We found it really funny.
The ladies did a circle dance while the reggae band tried to tune in. |
This is me and Innocent in front of the pig pen. He is the same age as me. |
Our family and innocents family all crowded in the Land Rover. We were 13 in total. | | | | | | | |